Just like our services, our team of professional staff are the best in the world with vast industry experience and knowledge in their field.
For most, we are the first laboratory they have worked in, and our standards are their norm.
No past habits to deal with; no confusion over the excellence of good assaying. Simply the norm for a team assembled after strict scrutiny and demanding standards.
Lead by Kevin and Glen Renton, we trust our team to embrace the philosophy of excellence. So much so that our people don’t even understand why all results don’t always agree to our demanding levels of 0.10% for all base metals. We have to explain that it is because their normal work is so good that the converse is actually true:
How do they manage to be so good most of the time?
It is because they are good, and we know what makes them good.
It’s a comfort – for us; for you, our clients. Excellence is so normal for them. QC for us is generally very easy; so easy because so much of our work is such a high standard.
It is also the reason we are so competitive – good results mean very few repeat assays; and we can also provide rapid results – often the same day – with confidence.
Although not done by design (our staff have been chosen for their operational capabilities) the Laboratory boasts a wide variety of languages to enable us to receive enquiries from sources where English is not the first language.
If making enquiries and you would feel more comfortable speaking to someone in your preferred language simply ask for the following people:
We always like to challenge convention to get better results and are always willing to learn and adapt to achieve a better result. Feel free to comment and add to the Forum posts below